When it’s over
That’s the time I fall in love again-Sugar Ray
If you’re still following @PitchersHit8th on Twitter, this post will come as no surprise to you, and is actually long overdue. If you loyal four readers are REALLY loyal and only come here, well, then I apologize for the lack of updates on this site and for not clueing you in sooner!
Yes, I’ve quoted a Sugar Ray song above, and no, it won’t be the last time in this post. Again, my apologies. However, as I was thinking of what to write here, this song kept coming back to me as apropos of what’s happening (has happened) and a general descriptor for what it means to me as the end of one thing but – I think – the great beginning of another.
From the first post here ( Soriano = Zito? – circa May 2008 ) to the last ( Josh’s two-part lead-up to the 2013 draft – circa May 2013 ), this website has been a labor of love – admittedly sometimes more labor than love – but one born out of my desire to continue to be a fan of the ball club I grew up with, despite the many miles between us.
It’s that part where it became more labor than love that helped lead to the next chapter. Pitchers Hit Eighth has moved to Cards Conclave.
Cards Conclave is a collaboration of many great Cardinal blogs, including this one, that will allow all of us to focus on great writing rather than just making sure we have something new on the website every day. Rather than trying to keep current, we can each focus on what we do best individually while providing great content across a wide array of topics at the main site. Confused yet? Basically what this means is that Pitchers Hit Eighth will retain its own identity at the Conclave, and if all you want to read is stuff from Josh and I, you can very easily do so. But if you want to get all of the Cards coverage you can handle from a bunch of great writers, you can go to the main Cards Conclave site and read new posts every single day of the week. It’s really a win, win, win.
And when it’s over
That’s the time you’re in my heart again
Between the first Sugar Ray line and this one, it’s easy for me to translate what this move is really all about for me (and by extension, Josh as well) – falling in love again. Getting back to enjoying watching Cardinal games instead of looking for angles for the next day’s post. So when this website as it was constituted is, for all intents and purposes, over – we’re falling in love with a great ball club all over again, and with writing about them. I know I don’t speak just for us, but for many of the other writers at the Conclave as well.
When it’s over
Can I still come over?
Of course! As previously mentioned, you can still visit Pitchers Hit Eighth every day at the Cards Conclave!
And, since I know how much you love reading PH8 from 2009, this site will never cease to exist in its current format. We’ll keep it up for referencing when something said many seasons ago requires shaming, etc and so on. So you can still come visit PH8 here too!
And when you go go go go
I know
It never ends
It never ends
We’re not done, we’re just getting started! Come visit Pitchers Hit Eighth at Cards Conclave. Thanks, as always, for reading.
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